Five Things You Should Know Before You Clean Your House – Forbes

The Environmental Working Group released its new online guide to safe cleaning products today. Similar to the group’s Skin Deep database, which focuses on personal care products and cosmetics, the Guide to Healthy Cleaning contains a database of products that have been graded according to their health safety. To arrive at each product’s “grade,” EWG scientists evaluated information on product labels, company websites, and, in some cases, worker safety sheets. Manufacturers are required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to supply Material Safety Data Sheets on any potentially harmful products in the workplace; since cleaners are widely used by custodial staffs, OSHA requires that cleaning products sold for professional use be accompanied by these data sheets. Cleaning products sold for individual home use, however, do not have to include lists of ingredients, harmful or otherwise. Some companies opt to include ingredient information, but many either opt to include no ingredient information at all or to include vague ingredient descriptions like “solvent” or “fragrance.”
Following are five key findings to help consumers find cleaner cleaners:
1. Formaldehyde–a known carcinogen–is still used in several cleaning products. “What surprised and disappointed me most [in doing this research] is the continued use in U.S. products of chemicals that have been banned in the EU and in other parts of the world, especially really obvious bad actors like formaldehyde,” says Rebecca Sutton, PhD, a senior scientist at EWG and the lead researcher on the cleaners database. Unfortunately, Sutton only found out about the formaldehyde by hunting through piles of documentation and contacting manufacturers; the average consumer probably won’t go to such trouble. A quick check of your cleaning products in the EWG database, however, should help you figure out which ones might be problematic.
2. Manufacturers of cleaning products used in industrial settings must disclose hazardous ingredients. If you work in an office, school, hospital, factory or warehouse that’s cleaned regularly, or if you are part of the cleaning staff in such a place, you can request to see the Material Safety Data Sheets, which may not include all of the ingredients in the cleaning products, but will at least detail those that have been deemed hazardous.
3. In some cases, it’s not a direct ingredient, but a contaminant–created by combining certain ingredients or using a particular chemical process–that’s the problem. 1,4 dioxane is a contaminant that’s often found in cleaning products and detergents, and some research has pointed to potential health risks associated with it, although manufacturers are quick to note that one would have to use an inordinate amount of a product (do 100 loads of laundry a day, for example) for it to have an effect. In the EWG’s scoring system, contaminants are weighted differently than ingredients, and every product’s score takes all of its components into account. “Lots of chemicals have this contaminant issue, but if it’s a concerning contaminant we’re talking about, it may be present at a low level, so we downgrade the weighting of that,” Sutton explains. “A chemical that’s completely safe in terms of cancer, except for 1, 4 dioxane contaminant possibility,  for example, won’t swing all the way to a ‘highly contaminated’ grade – it would go to a B or C level, not an F.”
4. Not all “green” cleaning products are safer. EWG found that while most green cleaners earned an A or B grade, not all products marketed as environmentally friendly made the grade.  Some, including Earth Friendly Products, and BabyGanics, do not disclose ingredients adequately and were thus downgraded. “A lot of products–both green and conventional–would score higher immediately, just by disclosing their ingredients,” Sutton says.
Borax or sodium borate which is considered a hormone disruptor and has been shown to have reproductive and developmental toxicity in humans, is another problem. Sutton says the chemical is commonly used in both green and conventional cleaning products, especially in detergent and dish soap.
5. Cancer isn’t the only thing to worry about. While consumers tend to worry most about potential carcinogens in these products, they have a broader impact on human respiratory systems. “There’s a real air pollution and asthma concern with these products, especially for children,” Sutton says.
That could be enough to incentivize better regulation of cleaning products, starting with labeling requirements. According to a 2009 University of North Carolina study,  the annual direct medical expenditure attributable to asthma treatment was estimated at approximately $37.2 billion in 2007 U.S. dollars representing a significant portion of U.S. healthcare resources.
