Was it really only a year ago this dark, game-changing, female-led action franchise was being touted as ‘the new Twilight’? Now, $700m box office gross later, every big teen movie wants to be ‘the new Hunger Games’, though none have quite managed it. Including this one.
Once again we are in a not-too-distant future dystopia where President Snow (a leonine Donald Sutherland suggestive of Aslan’s dastardly brother) rules his fascist state by fear. Every year, two teenage representatives of each outlying district are tossed into an arena and forced to fight to the death until only one survives – all for the delight of a baying TV audience.
Here last year’s victor, 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen (superb Jennifer Lawrence), finds her dreams of returning to a quiet home life and sorting out her love triangle between a cute, sensitive baker (Josh Hutcherson) and a hunky miner (Liam Hemsworth) dashed.
As a reluctant symbol of a burgeoning revolution Katniss is a danger to Snow, who hurls our traumatised heroine back into his death games, this time to do a kind of super battle against previous adult victors (including pretty Brit Sam Claflin and Magda the cleaning lady from Sex And The City) as well as some slightly ‘seen it’ CGI peril such as dry ice and killer baboons.
The second part of a trilogy is inevitably a bridging story and this is not an ideal entry point for newbies. Those fans who are panting for ace archer Katniss to get back into the arena, or those who haven’t seen the first movie, may be frustrated by a talky first half that is mainly interested in intelligently exploring Katniss’s moral responsibilities and the ethics of revolution as well as media manipulation, the cult of celebrity and the politics of oppression.
Personally I found this the most compelling section. However, it’s essentially a 3 ½ star movie, raised to a 4 by Jennifer Lawrence. Officially Hollywood’s hottest property after winning the Best Actress Oscar earlier this year (Silver Linings Playbook), Lawrence’s mature, penetrating performance lifts this material to another level. Her character is wonderfully unlovable, ‘You are a strangely dislikeable person’ Woody Harrelson’s boozehound mentor tells her ‘But you have your virtues’.
Katniss is cagey, untrusting, unsmiling, out to save her own skin and doesn’t like to play nice. Yet Lawrence’s closed book of a face still manages to speak volumes — she is captivating to watch. She may be as surly as Kristen Stewart’s Bella from Twilight, yet she is not defined by her love triangle. Athletic and desirable but never sexualised, she embodies a cheering new breed of Hollywood action heroine who, like her on screen character, bucks the ruling order who decrees that you can only kick ass as a lady if you are size zero/stripped down to your knickers/have your bosoms bumping into your nose. Thanks to Katniss and to Lawrence, ‘girl power’ is now more than a sexy little label.
To be fair, this was always the weakest volume of author Suzanne Collins’s bestselling trilogy. However new director Francis Lawrence (Water For Elephants) does a fair job on a rushed production: original director Gary Ross having jumped ship in protest at the too-tight turnaround, entertainingly juggling the shiny balls of comedy, playful visual style and set piece fights without compromising the story’s grimmer, more provocative concepts. It may stand as a movie of great moments rather than a triumphant whole, but even at 146minutes I was still hungry for more.
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